Jason Harman

Board Member

Jason Harman embodies a philosophy of purposeful living, emphasizing love, sacrifice, and investment in community, family, and neighbors. As the Principal at Umpqua Wealth, Jason approaches financial services with a coach’s heart, focusing on transformative relationships rather than transactional encounters. He teaches holistic principles of wealth building, protection, and retention while advocating for creating “margin” in life that leads to peace and financial freedom.

Jason’s commitment to making a difference in the lives of others is reflected in his extensive community involvement in Roseburg over the past 21 years. His engagement with Adapt stems from a strong belief in the organization’s mission to improve community health and well-being. Jason values Adapt’s focus on comprehensive and holistic service delivery, which aligns with his personal and professional life principles.

With a dynamic background in finance and a deep-rooted passion for community service, Jason envisions Adapt as a pivotal force in fostering health, wellness, and new life beginnings with responsible stewardship throughout our community. His goal is to see Adapt not only continue its essential services but also expand its impact through strategic planning and innovative, purposeful community engagement.

Jason brings a unique blend of financial acumen and community-focused leadership to Adapt’s Board of Directors. His experience as a financial coach, combined with his roles in various local nonprofits and community organizations, equips him with the insight necessary to help guide Adapt’s strategies and community impact initiatives. Jason’s “out of the box thinking” and vibrant energy add significant value to the board, enhancing Adapt’s capacity to meet its goals with creativity and fiscal responsibility.

Serving on the Adapt Board of Directors is not just a role, but a meaningful way to multiply the good our people do in Southern Oregon. Together, we are dedicated to excellence and brining life and meaning to all of our community changing and engaging the fabric of Southern Oregon life.

Jason Harman