Kelsey Wood

Board Chair

Kelsey Wood, a respected figure in the insurance industry and a dedicated community leader, brings a wealth of experience and commitment to his role as Board Chair of Adapt. Born and raised in Oregon, Kelsey has been deeply involved in various social service activities and local governance, demonstrating a lifelong dedication to improving his community. With over two decades at the helm of Gordon Wood Insurance, he has expertly balanced professional achievements with significant community contributions.

Kelsey’s motivation to join Adapt Integrated Health Care’s Board of Directors stems from his profound commitment to the community and his desire to make a tangible difference. His application highlighted Adapt as an “organization to improve our community, to give hope to the hopeless, to heal the broken,” which resonates deeply with his personal and professional values. His extensive involvement in local social services and governance illustrates his drive to support and uplift the community he holds dear.

As Board Chair, Kelsey envisions Adapt not only continuing its mission of integrated care but also expanding its reach and impact within the community. He believes in the power of strategic leadership and collaboration to enhance service delivery and foster an environment where every community member can access the care they need. His leadership is focused on steering Adapt towards innovative solutions that address pressing healthcare challenges while nurturing a culture of compassion and support.

Kelsey brings to Adapt’s Board his extensive expertise in business management, finance, and community service. His roles in various organizations, including the Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority and local non-profits, equip him with a unique perspective on governance and strategic planning. His commitment to teamwork and his ability to inspire and unite people are vital as he leads the board in navigating the complex landscape of healthcare and community welfare.

I am honored to serve as the Chair of Adapt’s Board, where our collective efforts go towards making a substantial difference in the lives of those we serve. Together, we can build a healthier, more hopeful community.

Kelsey Wood