ACCBO (Addiction Counselor Certification Board of Oregon) – Certifies addiction counselors through evaluation of education, experience, and testing.
ADA (American Disability Act) – Legislation ensuring rights and accommodations for people with disabilities.
AED (Automated External Defibrillator) – A portable device used to treat sudden cardiac arrest by delivering an electric shock.
AH (Advanced Health) – the Coordinated Care Organization in Coos and Northern Curry Counties – formerly known as WOAH.
AOCMHP (Association of Community Mental Health Providers) – The trade group specific to Community MH Programs in each Oregon county..
AOP (Adult Outpatient) – A program offering medical and therapeutic services to adult patients who do not require hospitalization.
BLS (Basic Life Support) – Fundamental medical care, often including CPR, provided to patients in emergency situations.
BOLO (Be On the Look Out) – A warning to be vigilant, often for high-risk individuals.
BUP (Buprenorphine) – A prescription medication used in Medication Assisted Treatment for opioid dependence.
CADC (Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor) – Counselors who have met minimum standards of competence and are ethically accountable to the public.
CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) – A federal program accrediting substance use facilities such as Adapt.
CCO (Coordinated Care Organization) – Entities throughout Oregon administering and coordinating the Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid) coverage.
CDC (Center for Disease Control) – A national public health institute in the United States focused on disease prevention and control.
CEO (Chief Executive Officer) – The highest-ranking executive in a company, responsible for overall operations and decision-making.
CFO (Chief Financial Officer) – An executive responsible for managing the financial actions of a company.
CIO (Chief Information Officer) – An executive responsible for managing and implementing information and computer technologies.
CMHP (Community Mental Health Program) – Each county is required to have a CMHP responsible for specific services to indigent and SPMI population.
CPI (Crisis Prevention Intervention) – Techniques and strategies used to prevent and manage violent and aggressive behavior.
DC (Deer Creek Youth Residential OR Douglas County – context dependent)
DCSO (Douglas County Sheriff’s Office) – The law enforcement agency serving Douglas County.
DL (Diamond Lake)
EAP (Employee Assistance Program) – A service program designed to help employees deal with personal problems that might adversely impact their work performance, health, and well-being.
EHR (Electronic Health Record, sometimes referred to as an Electronic Medical Record EMR). Fully automate all addiction and mental health client records. (Medical records at SouthRiver are already electronic)
EMC (Emergency Management Coordinator) – An individual responsible for coordinating responses and plans for emergency situations.
EMP (Emergency Management Plan) – A plan outlining procedures and guidelines for managing emergencies.
EOP (Emergency Operations Plan) – A plan that outlines how an organization responds to an emergency situation.
ERT (Emergency Response Team) – A group of employees designated to respond to emergency situations.
FTCA (Federal Tort Claims Act) – Malpractice protection under which SouthRiver can apply, whereby SRCHC will have the same immunity from claims as the Federal Government.
FQHC (Federally Qualified Health Center) – Safety net providers that primarily provide services in an outpatient clinic.
GP (Grants Pass)
GB (Gold Beach)
HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration) – The federal agency that oversees and funds FQHCs.
IR (Incident Report) – A formal record of an incident, often detailing an unexpected or unusual event.
LMHA (Local Mental Health Authority) – Each county must have an LMHA.
MAT (Medication Assisted Treatment) – A treatment approach for opioid addiction involving medications, counseling, and behavioral therapies.
NB (North Bend)
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
OCBH (Oregon Council for Behavioral Health) – Trade association for Substance Abuse Providers in the state.
OHA (Oregon Health Authority) – The state agency overseeing public health services and policies in Oregon.
OPERA (Oregon Prevention, Education and Recovery Association) – Former Trade Association for Substance Abuse Providers in the state, now known as OCBH.
OPCA (Oregon Primary Care Association) – The association of FQHCs.
OSH (Oregon State Hospital) – A public psychiatric hospital in Oregon, providing patient care and treatment.
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) – A U.S. agency ensuring safe and healthy working conditions.
OTP (Opioid Treatment Program) – A program offering treatment for opioid addiction, often including MAT.
OUD (Opioid Use Disorder) – A medical condition characterized by the problematic use of opioid drugs.
PA (Physician’s Assistant) – A licensed healthcare professional who practices medicine with physician supervision.
PCIT (Parent Child Interaction Therapy) – A treatment program focusing on the parent-child relationship and interaction patterns.
PMHNP (Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner) – A nurse practitioner specializing in mental health care.
PO (Port Orford)
PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) – Equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses.
PSA (Personal Services Agreement) – A contract between a service provider and a client.
PSS (Peer Support Specialist) – An individual using personal experience to support others in recovery.
QMHA (Qualified Mental Health Associate) – Bachelor’s level staff in mental health.
QMHP (Qualified Mental Health Professional) – Master’s level staff providing mental health services.
RA (Resident Assistant) – Staff at residential programs assisting with recovery support.
RCORP (Rural Communities Opioid Response Program) – Addressing the opioid crisis in rural areas.
ROI (Release of Information) – Authorizing the release of personal health information.
RPS (Roseburg Public Schools) – The public school district in Roseburg, Oregon.
RVU (Relative Value Unit) – A measure of cost in health care.
SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Agency) – U.S. agency for substance abuse and mental health services.
SBHC (School Based Health Center) – Providing medical and mental health services in schools.
SEP (Supported Employment Program) – Helping individuals with disabilities find employment.
SRTF (Secure Residential Treatment Facility) – To maintain function of the patient and prevent relapse/hospitalization, considered a .
SPMI (Severely and Persistently Mentally Ill.)
SUD (Substance Use Disorder) – Excessive use of substances despite harmful consequences.
SUSD (South Umpqua School District) – School district in the South Umpqua region.
THW (Traditional Healthcare Worker) – Focusing on culturally specific services and community health.
TLC (Therapeutic Learning Classroom) – Therapeutic interventions for students.
UH (Umpqua Health) – Also known as Umpqua Health Alliance, CCO for Douglas County.
UHA (Umpqua Health Alliance) – The Douglas County Coordinated Care Organization with the funding for the Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid) and is a subsidiary of Umpqua Health.
WOAH (Western Oregon Advanced Health) – The Coordinated Care Organization in Coos and Northern Curry Counties. Now known as Advanced Health (AH).
YPSS (Youth Peer Support Specialist) – Young individuals supporting peers with shared experiences.