Have a Lazy Day Off

by Adapt Training and Development

Some years ago, when my daughters were about 8 or 9, I was trying to get some summer activities scheduled for them (for all our sakes) and one of my girls looked at me and said, “Mom, I just don’t want you gumming up my summer.” We still laugh about it and truth be told, I don’t want anyone gumming up my weekends or my days off either! I feel some internal pressure to be productive on my days off—errands, house and yard work, projects – but what I really love is a day or a weekend with ZERO plans. It’s important to take a lazy day off every so often to “relax and recenter ourselves.”

There is no bad time of year for a lazy day (raining day spent reading by the fire? Yes, please!!), but in Oregon, summer is especially glorious. With our abundance of beautiful rivers, lakes and the coast, there are so many lovely places to float on a tube, sit in a beach chair, or flop down on a picnic blanket and just be. You probably don’t need my help in figuring out how to enjoy an unscheduled day, but if you do, this article on the Houzz website, The Lost Art of Laziness, has some good tips. And, this article, Why Being Lazy Is Actually Good for You from Time Magazine, makes the case that laziness – or more accurately, idleness – leads to more creativity.

Be well.