Sobering Center
What is a Sobering Center?
The Sobering Center provides a safe, supportive and supervised environment for publicly intoxicated individuals to become sober. The Sobering Center reduces the burden on local jails and can reduce needless and often repeat visits to the emergency department for public intoxication.
For Individuals:
- Provides temporary lodging for intoxicated persons unable to safely remain in the community
- Offers referrals for behavioral/physical health and social services as needed
- Prevents a criminal record for sobering clients
For Communities:
- Frees up law enforcement to handle more serious offenses
- Provides a more appropriate service option to law enforcement for intoxicated community members
- Reduces jail crowding
- Reduces burden on emergency department
- Supports community safety
- Prevents unnecessary health and public safety expensess
Learn More
Radio Interview with Dr. Greg Brigham, CEO, Adapt
National Sobering Collaborative
Quick Facts about Sobering Centers
American College of Emergency Physicians
Who uses the Sobering Center?
Individuals will be referred and transported to the Sobering Center only by law enforcement. The Sobering Center is not a place where family or friends can bring someone to sober up.
How was the need Identified?
The idea of establishing a Sobering Center in Douglas County has been discussed for several years. The Douglas County’s Local Public Safety Coordinating Council conducted a sequential intercept mapping to identify where people with substance use and mental health problems intercept with local law enforcement. The Sobering Center was identified as a way to increase cross system collaboration to reduce involvement in the justice system by people with substance use disorders. Rather than remaining on the streets, inebriated individuals are removed from an unsafe situation in the community and brought to a safe, secure environment. The Sobering Center offers an alternative to jail or the emergency department, as individuals are able to recover from intoxication and be offered a “warm handoff” into treatment.
What is the expected operating cost?
A number of state and local partners have contributed to the costs associated with development and operation of the Sobering Center. We anticipate annual costs for operating the Sobering Center of about $350,000 per year, which are covered by community partners, grants and donations.
Location of the Sobering Center
The Sobering Center is located at 251 NE Patterson Street, off of Diamond Lake Boulevard and about 3 miles east of downtown. The building is owned by Adapt and is located near Adapt’s residential treatment facility.
What You Can Do
Spread the word about our work
The Sobering Center is a community effort that depends on broad community support and involvement. We hope community members will stay informed about our progress and celebrate the commitment of the many supporting agencies who have invested time and resources to assure the health and safety of our community.
Your donation counts
The development of the Sobering Center is funded by several state and local supporting agencies. We will also pursue grant opportunities and accept charitable contributions to support ongoing operations of the Sobering Center.
Community Partners
Douglas County
Umpqua Health Alliance
Oregon Health Authority
Roseburg Police Department
Winston Police Department
Sutherlin Police Department
Myrtle Creek Police Department
Local Public Safety Coordinating Council
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians