Tobacco Dependence Treatment
Clinical Practice Guidelines
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update, sponsored by the Public Health Service, includes new, effective clinical treatments for tobacco dependence.
- Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: A Clinical Practice Guideline
- Quick Reference Guide for Clinicians
Clinician Resources
- Evidence-Based Strategies for Coordinated Care Organizations & Providers in Oregon
- Oregon Tobacco Quit Line
- Oregon Health Authority CCO & Provider Resources
- CDC Tobacco Dependence Patient Care
Clinic Systems & Environments
Systems strategies are intended to ensure that tobacco use is systematically assessed and treated at every clinical encounter.
- AHRQ Systems Change: Treating Tobacco Use & Dependence
- AAFP Tobacco Cessation Tools & Resources
- Integrating Tobacco Treatment within Behavioral Health
- Keeping Your Hospital Property Smokefree
- Dimensions: Tobacco-Free Toolkit for Healthcare Providers
- Help Your Patients Quit Tobacco Use: An Implementation Guide for Community Health Centers
- How to Take Your Business Tobacco-Free
- Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: A Toolkit for Dental Office Teams
Working with Special Populations
Some groups are significantly more vulnerable to the risks of tobacco use, nicotine dependence and exposure to secondhand smoke.
- Smoking Cessation During Pregnancy: A Clinician’s Guide to Helping Pregnant Women Quit Smoking (ACOG)
- Smoking Cessation Strategies for Women Before, During and After Pregnancy (ASTHO)
- CDC Smoking During Pregnancy
Mental Health & Substance Use Disorders
- National Council for Behavioral Health
- Tobacco Cessation for Persons with Mental Illnesses: A Toolkit for Mental Health Providers
- Smoking Cessation Leadership-Behavioral Health
- Tobacco-free Living in Psychiatric Settings: A Best Practices Guide Promoting Wellness and Recovery
- Dimensions Toolkit for Behavioral Health Settings
- Tobacco Treatment for Persons with Substance Use Disorders
- Smokefree Teen
- Oregon Tobacco Quit Line cessation protocol for youth age 13-17, 1-800-784-8669
Clinic Resources
Thinking about quitting is the first step. The following resources can help encourage patients to think about quitting and provide easy-to-access information to help clinicians assist their patients to quit smoking.