A wooden path through a forested area.

Adapt Opens Sobering Center in Roseburg

Adapt today announced the opening of a sobering center for people who are experiencing the effects of alcohol and other drugs. The sobering center began accepting referrals from local law enforcement on Friday, August 13. “Although the idea of establishing a Sobering Center in Douglas County has been discussed for several years, it wasn’t until 2020 that the idea became a reality,” said Dr. Gregory Brigham, Adapt CEO. “Despite setbacks due to Covid‑19, we are pleased to finally make this resource available to Douglas County.”

In 2020, the Sobering Center was identified by the community as a way to increase cross-system collaboration to reduce involvement in the justice system by people with substance use disorders. Rather than remaining on the street, publicly intoxicated individuals are removed from an unsafe situation in the community and brought by law enforcement to a safe, secure and supervised environment. Individuals are referred and transported to the Sobering Center by law enforcement only. The Sobering Center is not a place where family or friends can bring someone to sober up.

“Our goal is to provide a safe holding facility for people to sleep off the effects of public intoxication, while diverting them from jail and the emergency department, but we will also take the opportunity to help connect people with the services they desperately need,” said Roseburg Police Chief Gary Klopfenstein.

Adapt’s Sobering center was built using renovated shipping containers placed on property already owned by the agency and near Adapt’s adult residential treatment facility. This innovative design was key to keeping the project on budget, while opening the facility as quickly as possible. “The sobering center is an 8-unit facility for adult men and women, with separate, fully-contained sobering units to house each individual client,” said Trina Wheeldon, Sobering Center Manager and Certified Health Education Specialist. “The center also includes a consultation space where clients can speak to a referral specialist at discharge and receive a “warm hand-off” to resources in the community based on their needs,” said Wheeldon. The sobering center is open 24 hours, 7 days per week and is staffed by seven Adapt employees who are trained to work with this population.

In addition to Adapt, the Sobering Center is made possible with broad community support from Douglas County, Umpqua Health Alliance, Oregon Health Authority, Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians, the Local Public Safety Coordinating Council, the cities of Roseburg, Winston, Sutherlin and Myrtle Creek, and David and Kelly Trinchero.

For more information, visit www.adaptoregon.org/sober.